Ulster Savings WILL NEVER text or send you an email with a request to click on a link to verify a transaction. Ulster Savings WILL NEVER call you to ask you for any part of your debit card number. Please be diligent with your personal information. Learn more about fraud prevention and online safety.
Welcome to Ulster Insurance Services Inc., a full service insurance agency conveniently located at Ulster Savings Bank.
Homeowners insurance is designed to protect you from the things that can damage your home and belongings. Additionally it can protect your from the financial impact of being sued by someone injured at your home.
Your condominium association’s policy protects common areas; however you will need your own insurance to protect your belongings, upgrades inside your condominium and lawsuits arising from liability claims. Also, your association may levy assessments when common areas are damaged. This coverage can help offset those assessments.
When you are a tenant, you can still purchase insurance to cover your personal belongs from fire, theft and weather damage. Also, these policies include liability insurance.
When damages for a covered claim exceed your underlying policy limits, your assets, savings and even future income could be in danger. By purchasing an umbrella policy, you create an extra layer of protection above your other insurance policies.
Insurance products and services available through Ulster Insurance Services Inc., a subsidiary of Ulster Savings Bank, are NOT FDIC INSURED. HIPAA Policy
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