Ulster Savings WILL NEVER text or send you an email with a request to click on a link to verify a transaction. Ulster Savings WILL NEVER call you to ask you for any part of your debit card number. Please be diligent with your personal information. Learn more about fraud prevention and online safety.
Most people think of a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) as the first—and sometimes only—option for accessing the equity in their home. But if you’re a homeowner aged 62 or older, there is another way to tap into your equity that offers attractive advantages and flexible features.
In fact, a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), commonly known as a reverse mortgage, is specifically designed to help seniors improve their cash flow and live more comfortably. Some of the advantages of an HECM include optional monthly mortgage payments, no freezing of funds allowed, and access to your cash, your way.
NMLS# 184229
NMLS# 1366684
FAIR LENDING STATEMENT: Ulster Savings Bank is committed to making high quality banking and credit services available to all applicants consistently and in compliance with fair lending laws and within the confines of safe and sound banking practices. Ulster Savings Bank believes that its commitment to fair lending is a good business practice as well as a basic responsibility of the company. The Bank’s success at serving a wide range of consumer and business customers is essential to the economic welfare of the community in which it conducts business and to the continued growth and vitality of the company.
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